
Firehawks Owners
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Firehawks by Years
1991 1992 1993 1994
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Firehawks by Model
Firehawk Unknown
Firehawk Formula
Firehawk Formula Mapleleaf *
Firehawk Formula Pilot
Firehawk Trans Am
Firehawk Trans Am Mapleleaf *
Firehawk Trans Am Pilot
Firehawk Supercharged G8 GT
Firehawk Supercharged G8 GT Pilot
Firehawk G8 GT
Firehawk Supercharged G8 GXP

* Firehawks sold in Canada

Firehawks by Options
10th Anniversary Firehawks
LT4 Package
1LE Suspension

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Firehawks by Option: IK2 (28 cars listed)
Unknown - relates to the interior trim design)
Status Year Build # Model VIN Owner Location
Alive 1997 0011 Firehawk Formula Valid Randy Wichert Lacey, WA
Alive 1997 0016 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Alive 1997 0017 Firehawk Formula Valid Bernard Rudaz Mayens de Sion, Valais
Alive 1997 0018 Firehawk Formula Valid Stephan & Angela Capkovic Pittsburg, MO
Alive 1997 0021 Firehawk Formula Valid David P. White Yorktown, VA
Alive 1997 0022 Firehawk Formula Valid R. Vesor Apache Junction, AZ
Alive 1997 0024 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Alive 1997 0026 Firehawk Formula Valid Mike Bub Waterford, NY
Alive 1997 0028 Firehawk Formula Valid Ryan Branfort Salina, KS
Alive 1997 0029 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Alive 1997 0032 Firehawk Formula Valid Brent D. Pemberton Albany, NY
Alive 1997 0033 Firehawk Formula Valid Gene Fudala Dallas, TX
Alive 1997 0043 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Alive 1997 0045 Firehawk Formula Valid Steven & Barbara Jepsen Merrillan, WI
Alive 1997 0047 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Alive 1997 0051 Firehawk Formula Valid Robert Miller Mount Carmel, PA
Alive 1997 0053 Firehawk Formula Valid Paul Bartnik Rutledge, TN
Alive 1997 0057 Firehawk Formula Valid Marc Webster Las Vegas, NV
Alive 1997 0060 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Alive 1997 0062 Firehawk Formula Valid Joe Brown Kings Mountain, NC
Totaled 1997 0066 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Alive 1997 0069 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Totaled 1997 0074 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Alive 1997 0075 Firehawk Formula Valid Amber Young McDonough, GA
Alive 1997 0076 Firehawk Formula Valid Kennie & Neal Ethridge, TN
Alive 1997 0078 Firehawk Formula Valid Alvin Smith Donalsonville, GA
Alive 1997 0083 Firehawk Formula Valid Unknown Owner
Alive 2002 1403 Firehawk Trans Am Valid David Mathison Hudson, WI

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